Sunday, July 26, 2015

Extra Day in Hanoi

(Because our cruise was shortened.) 

Today Analiese and I were sitting on a park bench overlooking Hoan Liem lake when a well-dressed college student approached me and said "Hello. May I practice English with you?" Two more soon flowed. We talked for about half an hour about lots of different things in English. This is something that would never ever happen in Japan. Only the rarest of Japanese young people would have the nerve to walk up to someone randomly and ask them to talk. It was super fun!! 

We also went to the Women's Museum of Vietnam. A touching tribute to all that women do. I was touched by the descriptions of street vendors in Hanoi--many come from far away in the rural areas, but are forced to work in the city to make enough to feed their children. They carry immensely heavy baskets of food or goods on their shoulders all day long and make about $20 a week (one woman said.) I guess we've all heard this stuff firsthand and we know it to be true intellectually but it's not until you experience it firsthand that it touches you emotionally. At least that's how it felt to me. Im considering sponsoring a child through CCF, the Cambodian Children's Fund, because I saw what they live in and what they need. But then again I'm not sure where my money would be going and if to be going to the right places. I need to do some research. 

We're soon leaving for Sapa where we won't have wifi for at least two days. See you after! This trip is almost coming to a close. 

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